Justine Stehle
Email JustineJustine Stehle is a program facilitator for ARTZ Philadelphia. She joined the organization in September 2017.
She is a licensed clinical social worker who earned her master’s degree in social work from New York University, after which she worked in New York city for ten years as a community social worker providing services to the elderly in a variety of settings. Justine is also a certified TimeSlips storytelling facilitator and – now that she is back in her hometown of Philadelphia — serves on the Board of Directors of CARIE, a nonprofit organization established in 1977 dedicated to improving the rights, well being, and self-determination of older adults in the Southeastern Pennsylvania region and beyond.
Justine says “I am honored to be facilitating programs with ARTZ Philadelphia, where I have the opportunity to combine my passions for elderly people, the arts, and building community. I care deeply about the importance of accessibility of art and culture for all people and believe that everybody has the capacity to be creative.”