Exciting News: Café for Care Partners & Creative Connections
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Read MoreWe launched this program especially for the care partners of people living with dementia to provide a chance to connect with other care partners and discuss your journey with dementia outside the confines of a formal support group.
The term “coffee klatch” comes from the German word, “kaffeeklatsch,” which translates to coffee (kaffee) + gossip (klatsch). It refers to a group of friends getting together over a cup of coffee, usually at someone’s house – or in our case, virtually! The word “klatsch” has turned into “klatch” or even “clatch” over the years, and both are considered acceptable to use.
Powered by The Sarah Ralston Foundation!
Read MoreARTZ Executive Director Susan Shifrin recently participated in this webinar on elder care hosted by Buchanan.
Read MoreThis Innovation Grant will fund a new ARTZ initiative.
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